Thursday, September 4, 2008

Our home


Finally our house is stuccoed! Wow! Did I struggle over the color choice and am embarrassed to say that I lost a lot of sleep over it. It wasn't easy trying to picture how it would look on our home. In this picture the color looks more orange than it really is - mostly due to the setting sun. After a few weeks I have finally adjusted to the new look and am pleased. It was a hard adjustment since we were used to the expossed adobe. This picture was taken mostly for the cloud formation. It was just a beautiful stormy day. Those who know me well know that I LOVE rain and thunder/lightning storms. So of course I was outside enjoying the beautiful sky and weather.
You can go here for my new photography website.
Have a blessed day in the Lord.

New link for my Photography

Our daughter JiL, swimming in a lake in Santa Rosa, New Mexico. Summer 2008. SMILE!


Hi all - What a beautiful day it is! Give thanks in all things! We are so blessed to have a God who loves us unconditionally. I pray that your day is blessed as you turn to the one God - the only God. He loves you and desires a relationship with you. And in the famous saying of evangelist Billy Graham - "Go to church next Sunday."